Asia in Cinema

Film industry news from the world's most diverse region


Based in Hong Kong, Asia In Cinema is an English-language news site that reports on the Asian film industry from a balanced perspective. We believe that all the countries and regions that make up the Asian film industry hold equal importance, bound by complex geopolitics and commercial ties. This is why we strive to offer comprehensive coverage and cover as many regions as possible, as opposed to the few that happen to hold commercial interests for the west.

Asia in Cinema is created and operated by Kevin Ma. As the entertainment editor for Cathay Pacific’s Discovery Magazine as well as a professional translator, Kevin has worked with the top film companies in the region on multiple high-profile projects. For over two years, Kevin worked as a correspondent for trade publication Film Business Asia, reporting on happenings in the Asian film industry as they unfold around the world. He was also an English editor at online retailer and a film critic for Hong Kong’s YP Movies.

Site logo designed by Angela Ho